A Word About Responsible Pet Adoption

At Urban Tails Animal Rescue, our mission is driven by the vision of a world where every animal is cherished and protected. One of the primary ways we strive to achieve this is through responsible pet adoptions.

Finding the perfect companion involves more than just falling in love with a cute face; it's about creating lasting bonds and providing a loving forever home. Choosing to adopt a dog, cat or other pet is a significant decision that not only transforms the life of the new rescue but also, your family!

Responsible adoption involves careful consideration, commitment, and a deep understanding of the responsibilities that come with pet ownership. After you’ve found the perfect pet, creating a lifelong connection based on love, care, and mutual respect is paramount.

The perfect home for each pet isn't just about providing food and shelter. It's about understanding their needs, personalities, and ensuring a suitable environment where they can thrive emotionally, mentally, and physically. Factors such as exercise requirements, socialization needs, and compatibility with the your family’s lifestyle are crucial in ensuring a successful adoption.

For example, the dog you’re interested in may look cute, but are they very energetic? Not energetic enough? Reactive toward other dogs? Cat tested? When working with a rescue organization, it’s important to ask all the questions and get the full picture to make sure you’re up to speed and prepared for your new life ahead.

Adopting is a life-changing decision that brings immeasurable joy and companionship. We’re dedicated to facilitating responsible adoptions that lead to loving, lifelong relationships between pets and their owners.

So while the process is typically longer than usual, we’re doing it for you and for the rescues.

If you’re looking for more information, such as veterinary, training or other recommendations, check out our resource page here.

Bianca Del Bois